
Zion Christian Publisher's collection of hard and soft cover books available for shipment upon purchase. 

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Paul Caram's books, please contact him directly at

Descripción El Dr. Brian Bailey hábilmente integra muchos años de experiencia en el ministerio con una profundidad única de...
22 item(s)

Descripción El excelente y a su vez sencillo comentario del Dr. Bailey sobre el Evangelio de Juan nos da revelación acerca de las enseñanzas más hermosas...
17 item(s)

Descripción El Espíritu Santo no es simplemente otro libro de Teología, sino una guía muy práctica y útil para encontrar un camino hacia la vida llena y...
21 item(s)

Book Description In his thought-provoking book Pillars of Faith, Dr. Bailey opens up our understanding of God’s principles of faith. As we journey...
3447 item(s)

Descripción El libro Las Dos Sabidurías del Dr. Bailey es una excelente exposición de la Epístola de Santiago que nos revela la importante diferencia...
48 item(s)

Book Description Our Beloved Heavenly Father is a book written by a spiritual father with a burden to know more deeply the ways of the Father and to make...
30 item(s)

Descripción Dando en el blanco es un sencillo y emocionante comentario sobre la epístola de Pablo a los filipenses. A través de las...
35 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
10 item(s)

Descripción En el segundo volumen sobre los Profetas Menores, el Dr. Bailey estudia los libros de Joel a Sofonías. A través del estudio de la preciosa...
71 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s book the Two Wisdoms is an excellent exposition of the Epistle of James that reveals the significant difference between...
34 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
13 item(s)

Descripción Al aproximarnos al avivamiento que está por venir y la gran cosecha de las almas es estos últimos días, el ministerio del evangelista viene a...
58 item(s)

Book Description At the death of King Solomon, because of his disobedience, the Kingdom was divided into two distinct nations, Judah in the South and...
177 item(s)

Book Description As the subject of leadership has lately risen in popularity, a question we can ask is “does character matter?” In this book on the Kings...
24 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
18 item(s)

Book Description Contemplating the terrible laxity in the church today, one realizes the urgent need to warn people of the terrors of hell and encourage...
23 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Brian Bailey’s book is a practical manual for all who aspire to be teachers of His Word. It contains specific instructions...
64 item(s)

Descripción Salmos – Tercer libro es un comentario y devocional fácil de leer acerca de los Salmos 101 -150. Este es el tercer libro...
65 item(s)

Descripción El Dr. Bailey muestra como Cristo se convirtióó en el sacrificio final y supremamente cumplió todos los sacrificios del Antiguo Testamento....
53 item(s)

Descripción Dios deseaba que la vida matrimonial y la vida familiar fueran como el cielo en la tierra. Muy pocas personas experimentan esto en...
12 item(s)

Descripción Lucas, el médico, escribió uno de los relatos más detallados y vívidos de la vida de Cristo. El comentario sobre el Evangelio de Lucas del...
24 item(s)

Book Description One of the great treasures entrusted to the Church is the collection of parables found in Scripture, which were mostly given by Christ...

Descripción La Segunda Venida de Cristo es uno de los temas principales de nuestro tiempo. Este ungido estudio por el Dr. Bailey nos ayudará a...
63 item(s)

Book Description This is an extremely helpful book for believers, as it offers vital keys and essential truths that will help the believer grow in the...
63 item(s)

Book Description In the last days, the promise of God is that He will hide many of His loved ones from the persecution that will come upon the church. In...
51 item(s)

5 item(s)

Book Description This second volume in the Homilies series contains a compilation of the remaining talks that the author, Dr Brian J. Bailey, gave to...
49 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey shows how Christ became the ultimate sacrifice and supremely fulfilled all of the sacrifices of the Old Testament. Feasts and...
17 item(s)

Book Description The Book of Jeremiah is a revelation of the heart and feelings of a tender, loving God reaching out to a backslidden people. Dr. Brian...
19 item(s)

Descripción En su comentario sobre las epístolas del apóstol Juan, el Dr. Bailey desarrolla el mensaje dominante de amor, así como la idea de la madurez...
26 item(s)

Descripción El libro del Dr. Bailey, La Esposa de Cristo, es una exposición fresca y penetrante, versículo tras versículo del Cantar de los Cantares. Con...
49 item(s)

Descripción Salmos – Segundo libro es un comentario y devocional fácil de leer acerca de los Salmos 51-100. Este es el segundo libro...
94 item(s)

Book Description The Book of Isaiah is a book of dramatic prophecies expressing in a beautiful, literary language the very heart of God towards His...
2497 item(s)

Descripción El primer volumen del Dr. Bailey sobre los Profetas Menores se enfoca en el libro de Oseas con el tema de la Restauración de los caídos. En...
70 item(s)

Descripción El tercer volumen del Dr. Bailey sobre los Profetas Menores es un excelente comentario acerca de los últimos tres profetas del Antiguo...
74 item(s)

Descripción El libro de Isaías es un libro de profecías dramáticas que expresan el corazón mismo de Dios para con Su pueblo a través de un lenguaje...
24 item(s)

Book Description In his commentary on the epistles of the Apostle John, Dr. Bailey develops the dominant message of love as well as the idea of Christian...
43 item(s)

Book Description God has revealed Himself to man in the Holy Scriptures by many different names. As we experience the names of God, we gain a better...
24 item(s)

Book Description Can you imagine being ruled over and governed by judges? Not a king, a president, or a prime minister, but a judge! The nation of Israel...
43 item(s)

Descripción En su comentario sobre las epístolas del apóstol Juan, el Dr. Bailey desarrolla el mensaje dominante de amor, así como la idea de la madurez...
50 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Brian Bailey discusses the essential qualities that are necessary for exceptional leadership in any field or capacity one might be...
52 item(s)

1. Tocad Trompeta en Sion 2. Y Cantaré, Sí Cantaré 3. El Cordero de Dios 4. Admirable, Consejero 5....
5 item(s)

Descripción A lo largo de los siglos, ha habido muchas historias de amor perdurable que han capturado el corazón y la mente de las personas...
44 item(s)

Book Description In Volume II in this series on Leadership, Dr. Bailey has sought to demonstrate the need for leaders to develop a hunger and thirst to...
58 item(s)

Descripción El libro de Jeremías es una revelación del corazón y sentir del Dios tierno y amoroso, que extendió Su mano a Su pueblo descarriado. Este...
70 item(s)

Book Description Revivals reveal both the power of God and the frailties of man. Past revivals repeatedly show us that we must become prepared to not...
49 item(s)

Book Description Luke the doctor, wrote one of the most detailed and vivid accounts of the life of Christ. Dr. Bailey’s commentary on Luke is presented...
33 item(s)

Descripción Colosenses y Filemón es un comentario fácil de leer versículo a versículo en las epístolas más bendecidas del Nuevo Testamento. El Dr. Bailey...
94 item(s)

Descripción Salmos – Primer libro es un comentario versículo a versículo sobre los Salmos 1-50, y contiene verdades eternas...
68 item(s)

Descripción Para aquellos que anhelan ser más que vencedores, dentro de las páginas de este estudio que invita a la reflexión, se encuentra una preciosa...
2 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
24 item(s)

Book Description The Tabernacle of David, seemingly such an obscure topic in Scripture, has stirred much interest in recent years. In this exposition,...
13 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
14 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
9 item(s)

Descripción El Dr. Brian Bailey nos presenta este comentario de la epístola a los Efesios, la cual bellamente nos presenta a Cristo como el...
61 item(s)

Book Description In his book on the Epistle of Jude, Rev. Holmes presents us with a beautiful exposition on this letter of the brother of our Lord Jesus...
129 item(s)

Book Description One of the best-loved titles of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd – the One who loves, cares, and protects His sheep. In this...
38 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at In...
2 item(s)

Book Description More than any gospel, the Gospel of Matthew contains the largest collection of the teachings of our Lord Jesus. Drawing from numerous...
23 item(s)

Nota: a este libro le falta una página de texto. Las futuras reimpresiones serán corregidas. Contáctenos al +1 607-565-2801 si tiene alguna pregunta....
29 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
28 item(s)

Book Description The Old Testament message was one that man was never able to fulfill. However, Christ in His Sermon on the Mount gave a higher law to...
63 item(s)

Descripción Las Escrituras nos advierten que habrá gran engaño en los últimos días. A medida que se acerca el Tiempo del Fin, el ministerio del profeta...
40 item(s)

1 item(s)

Autor El Dr. Brian J. Bailey fue el presidente de Zion Fellowship International, Zion Ministerial Institute y Zion Christian University por más de 30...
32 item(s)

11 item(s)

Descripción Ya que el tema del liderazgo recientemente ha aumentado en popularidad, la pregunta que debemos hacernos es: “¿será que el carácter tiene...
135 item(s)

Book Description The book of Daniel gives us a picture of the types of trials that shall purify the Church before the Second Coming. The trials in Daniel...
45 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at

5 item(s)

Descripción El Señor desea que los jóvenes de hoy en día alcancen su máximo potencial y lleguen a ser todo lo que Dios...
5 item(s)

Descripción En su libro de la Epístola de Judas, el Reverendo Holmes se nos presenta con una hermosa exposición acerca de esta carta del hermano de...
99 item(s)

Descripción El libro del Dr. Brian Bailey es un manual práctico para todos los que aspiran a ser maestros de Su Palabra. Este contiene...
62 item(s)

Descripción El Señor Jesús hizo el comentario de que el príncipe de este mundo viene pero no encontrará nada en...
74 item(s)

Book Description In the coming days, the saints will be facing the most formidable assault by the enemy that the world has ever known. It is with a...
20 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Brian Bailey skillfully combines many years of personal ministry experience with a unique depth of knowledge of the Bible, making...
1739 item(s)

Book Description For those who long to be more than a conqueror , there is contained within the pages of this thought-provoking study a precious hope...
908 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
18 item(s)

Book Description In this third volume of the Leadership series, Dr. Bailey gleans valuable lessons from the lives three key leaders from Scripture as...
57 item(s)

Descripción Cuando a Cristo se le hacían preguntas, a menudo Él remitía a la gente de regreso al comienzo, al origen del plan de nuestro Padre Celestial...
101 item(s)

Book Description Often, many Christians do not recognize God's voice or have been deceived into thinking another voice is His. Rev. Tucker will encourage...
30 item(s)

G.P.S. for Christian Young People - Navigating through the teen and young adult years with Guidance From Above. You have some important decisions to...
40 item(s)

Book Description The Second Coming of Christ is one of the foremost topics of our day. This anointed study by Dr. Bailey will help to protect us from...
34 item(s)

Book Description As we are seeing End Time events begin to unfold before our eyes, we realize that never has there been such a need for restoration. God...
21 item(s)

Book Description Rev. Caram’s commentary on the history of the Church is designed for ordinary people who desire to learn more about their Christian...
34 item(s)

Book Description When Christ was asked questions He would often refer people back to the beginning, to the origin of the plan of our Heavenly Father for...
36 item(s)

Descripción El comentario del Dr. Bailey sobre el Evangelio de Marcos es un poderoso relato acerca de la vida de Cristo que le permitirá obtener un...
25 item(s)

Book Description Rev. Daniel Caram presents a study of the life of Abraham so that we might understand the man who is called the “father of...
40 item(s)

Descripción Dios se ha revelado al hombre en las Sagradas Escrituras a través de diversos nombres. Al estudiar los nombres de Dios, obtenemos un mejor...
23 item(s)

Book Description The Bible tells us that every overcoming Christian will become confirmed to the image of Christ. But what does this mean? And how can we...
39 item(s)

Descripción Los avivamientos revelan tanto el poder de Dios como las debilidades del hombre. A través de distintos avivamientos en la historia, hemos...
74 item(s)

Book Description The Goodness and Severity of God succinctly portrays these two aspects of God’s character and provides an excellent guide for attaining...
57 item(s)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
12 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey beautifully portrays the heart of the Father that longs to have blessed fellowship with His children. An unfolding revelation...
56 item(s)

Book Description Psalms – Book Two is an easy to read devotional commentary of Psalms 51-100. It is the second book in a series of three books on...
618 item(s)

3 item(s)