Go and Preach


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Book Description

Jesus has called all His followers to participate in two great assignments: to preach the Gospel (evangelism) and to teach the nations (discipleship and maturity).  In this book, the author points out that Christians often emphasize one or the other, but Christ wants us to be about the business of both.  Practical instruction is given on how to be a better witness for Jesus, and an onward vision to maturity is humbly presented.  A need for evangelism and the truths of eternal judgment are presented with great balance, clarity, and empathy.  “If you have a love for God and a love for people, this book will help to equip you to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in this generation. You will be challenged, strengthened, and blessed as you read it.”  (Rev. John Heyer from the Foreword).


Justin Steward is an itinerant evangelist currently based near Buffalo, New York, where he resides with his wife Alyssa and their three children.  He spent five years serving as a missionary in Africa directing a ministry and a Bible college.  He has taught in a number of Bible colleges and seminars and held several evangelistic crusades and outreaches in different nations.  His passion is to win souls, to equip others to be soul winners, and to see true disciples embrace God's very best for their lives (the Vision of Zion).  He holds a Master's degree from Zion Christian University.