eBook FAQ


Frequently asked questions about eBooks


What is an eBook?

An eBook is an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or dedicated eBook reader.

Why do I have the option to download ePub and mobi files?

With most eBooks, ZCPublishers offers both the ePub and Mobi format.  ePub ebooks are supported by most eReader devices.  However, Kindle devices do not support ePub files but can read Mobi eBooks.  After purchasing an ebook you may download one or both files if available.

What is an ePub file?

An ePub file format of the most popular eBook standard. Most devices support this format with the exception of Kindle eReaders.

What is a mobi file?

A Mobi file is the format supported by Kindle eReader device.

What eReaders can view these books?

ePub files from ZCPublishers can be viewed virtually all devices such as desktop or laptop computers, iPad, Android Tablets, Smart Phones, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo and more.  Kindle devices do not support ePub files.  Please download the Mobi file if available.

What are some specific options for opening an eBook?

The web browser Microsoft Edge can open ePub files. On a PC, you can try downloading the program Calibre or signing in to your Google account in Google Play Books to upload your ePub file to your personal library. For Apple devices, your device should come preinstalled with iBooks, which can open ePub files. On Android devices, search your app store for "epub reader" and see which app works best for you. We have found Pocketbook Reader to work well in many cases.

Can I read these ePub books on my Kindle?

At this time the Kindle does not support ePub files.  Please download the Mobi file to your Kindle device if available.

What is Digital Rights Management (DRM)?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a type of encryption software designed to protect eBooks from being copied.  However, it can also make it difficult for users to transfer their books between devices.  ZCPublishers does not sell ebooks with DRM. 

Can eBooks be returned?

No. Because of the nature of digital products, eBooks cannot be returned.