Contending for the Faith - AUDIO BOOK

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Book Description

Time is given by God to accomplish His purposes. It is too precious to waste on frivolous pursuits; before you know it, it will be Judgement Day—eternal life or eternal death: heaven or hell. Eternity awaits each one of us. Where will you be? 


Sadly, countless people have fallen into deception, thinking there are many roads to heaven. In reality, the Lord Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by Him.


Dr. Bailey has sought to enable us to victoriously contend for our faith by proving the infallible glorious truth of Holy Scriptures with Scripture itself. This anointed book will place such a burning desire in your heart to study the Truth, and be so well-grounded in it, that you will stand strong in the faith, even in these last days.