Trial of the Saints

10 日


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Book Description

The book of Daniel gives us a picture of the types of trials that shall purify the Church before the Second Coming. The trials in Daniel are exaggerated beyond what the ordinary saint generally faces; and yet they are not beyond what the Church must endure as the age concludes. Yet, when it is all said and done, the Lord will present to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle.

Rev. Caram seeks to dispel the misunderstandings regarding trials by examining what they produce in the life of a believer. The end product of trials (to the faithful contestants) is enrichment, promotion, and honor. As the last trial concludes, the saints possess the kingdom. Let us be one of them!



Rev. Daniel Caram is a part of the faculty of Zion Ministerial Institute in Waverly, New York. He has also traveled to numerous countries, teaching in Bible schools and seminars and has also authored seven other books, some of which are used in the curriculum of Zion Christian University.


Rev. Caram and his wife Jane reside in Erie, Pennsylvania where they have pastored the Church of Mt Zion for over thirty years. Rev. Caram earned his Bachelor in Theology from Vision Christian Bible School and Seminary and his Master of Theological Studies from Zion Christian University.