
Zion Christian Publisher's collection of hard and soft cover books available for shipment upon purchase. 

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Paul Caram's books, please contact him directly at

Book Description Luke the doctor, wrote one of the most detailed and vivid accounts of the life of Christ. Dr. Bailey’s commentary on Luke is presented...
33 item(ns)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s commentary on the Gospel of Mark is a powerful account of the life of Christ which will allow you to gain a deeper...
26 item(ns)

Book Description Dr. Brian Bailey skillfully combines many years of personal ministry experience with a unique depth of knowledge of the Bible, making...
1739 item(ns)

Book Description The Bible tells us that every overcoming Christian will become confirmed to the image of Christ. But what does this mean? And how can we...
39 item(ns)

Book Description Rev. Daniel Caram presents a study of the life of Abraham so that we might understand the man who is called the “father of...
40 item(ns)

Book Description The Book of Jeremiah is a revelation of the heart and feelings of a tender, loving God reaching out to a backslidden people. Dr. Brian...
19 item(ns)

Book Description Soldiers in battle, nations at war, families and tribes living in a new land – how is this all relevant for us? Rev. Norman Holmes will...
39 item(ns)

Book Description Can you imagine being ruled over and governed by judges? Not a king, a president, or a prime minister, but a judge! The nation of Israel...
43 item(ns)

Book Description At the death of King Solomon, because of his disobedience, the Kingdom was divided into two distinct nations, Judah in the South and...
177 item(ns)

Book Description As the subject of leadership has lately risen in popularity, a question we can ask is “does character matter?” In this book on the Kings...
24 item(ns)

Book Description As believers, it is vital that we are well-grounded in the truth of God’s Word in order to stand strong in the coming days. Having...
30 item(ns)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s commentary on Lamentations portrays the God of Righteousness who corrects and disciplines His wayward children, and in His...
70 item(ns)