30% Discount Bundles

Ebook collections with 30% bundle discount.

Click a link, then click "Buy Together" to view the bundle.


New Testament Collection

NT I: Gospels includes Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, Synoptic Gospels, Messenger of God, Parables of Jesus, and Sermon on the Mount

NT II: Church & Acts includes Acts, Preparing for Revival, Divine Healing, Go and Preach, Salvation to the Uttermost, The Fall and Rise of the Christian Church, and Angels

NT III: Epistles of Paul includes More than Conquerors, A More Excellent Way, Galatians, Soldiers for Christ, Hitting the Mark, Colossians and Philemon, A Message for Our Times*, The Pastor's Heart, and Within the Veil

*A Message for Our Times included in End Times

NT IV: Final Epistles & Revelation inclues The Two Wisdoms, Established Strengthened and Settled, The Epistles of John, The Epistle of Jude, and The Revelation of Jesus Christ*

*Revelation included in End Times


Old Testament Collection

OT I: Pentateuch includes Genesis, Inheriting the Promises, Feasts and Offerings, The Journey of Israel, and The Tabernacle of Moses

OT II: Historical Books includes Joshua, The History of Israel, Judges, Ruth, Kings of Israel, Kings of Judah, David and Solomon, The Tabernacle of David, The Restoration Era, and Esther

OT III: Poetic Books includes Turning the Curse into a Blessing*, Psalms I-III*, Wisdom Literature, and The Bride

*Turning the Curse into a Blessing included in Christian Maturity Series; Psalms available as its own bundle

OT IV: Prophetic Books includes Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, The Chariot Throne of God, Daniel, and Minor Prophets I-III*

*Minor Prophets available as its own bundle


General Studies Collections

End Times includes Daniel, The Revelation of Jesus Christ*, The Second Coming, God's Hidden Ones, The Glory, Having Done All to Stand, The True Anointing, A Message for Our Times*, Trial of the Saints, and The Church Triumphant

*Revelation included in NT IV: Final Epistles & Revelation; Message for Our Times included in NT III: Epistles of Paul

The Trinity includes Our Beloved Heavenly Father, The Life of Christ, The Comforter, The Cross and Resurrection of Christ, The Names of God, The Works of the Lord, The Goodness & Severity of God, The Seven Dwelling Places of God

Young Adults includes G. P. S. for Christian Young People, Winning the Prize, and Steps to Spiritual Growth*

*Steps to Spiritual Growth included in Spiritual Growth I

Five-fold Ministry includes The Apostle, The Pastor, The Evangelist, Teachers of Righteousness, and Ministry of the Prophet.

Church Ministry includes Anointed Music & Worship, Preaching Speaking for God,  Adminstrating the Local Church, and Homiletics. Minister's Manual ebook has not yet been released.

Spiritual Growth I Steps to Spiritual Growth*, Know Your Bible, Washed by the Word, Pillars of Faith, Foundations of the Faith, Contending for the Faith, Changed from Glory to Glory, True Christianity*, Heaven's Glories and the Untold Terrors of Hell, and God's Powerful Voice

*Steps to Spiritual Growth included in Young Adults; True Christianity included in Christian Maturity Series

Spiritual Growth II includes The Pursuit of Peace, Entering the Rest of God, Hermeneutics, Declaring the End from the Beginning, Hope of the Christian, Except the Lord Build the House, Homilies I-II*, Leadership I-III*, Victory Over the Self-Centered Life*, and Women of Influence and Distinction

*Homilies and Leadership available as their own bundles; Victory over the Self-Centered Life included in Christian Maturity Series

Further Character Studies includes Women of Influence and Distinction, The Messenger of God, and Angels


Ebook Series: Avaliable as Separate Bundles (already included in the bundles listed above)

*Psalms includes Psalms I, II, and III (included in Old Testament III: Poetic Books)

*Homilies includes Homilies I and II (included in Spiritual Growth II)

*Minor Prophets includes Minor Prophets I, II, and III (included in Old Testament IV: Prophetic Books)

*Leadership includes Leadership I, II, and III (included in Spiritual Growth II)

*Christian Maturity Series Dr. Caram's Christian Maturity Series bundle including True Christianity, Victory Over the Self-Centered Life, and Turning the Curse into a Blessing (included in Spiritual Growth I, Spiritual Growth II, and Old Testament III: Poetic Books)


Click an ebook, then click "Buy Together" to view the bundle discount.

Anointed Music and Worship
Church Ministry Ebook Bundle
End Times Ebook Bundle
G.P.S. For Christian Young People
Genesis: The Book of Beginnings
Homilies Volume 1
Leadership I
Minister's Manual
Minor Prophets I: Hosea
More Than Conquerors: Romans
Our Beloved Heavenly Father
Psalms Book One
Spiritual Growth I Ebook Bundle
Spiritual Growth II Ebook Bundle
The Apostle
The Gospel of Matthew
The Pursuit of Peace
The Two Wisdoms: James