Wallis, David

Rev. David Wallis and his wife Marilyn were missionaries in the Philippines and India for many years as well as having pastored a church in New Zealand. Rev. Wallis is currently the pastor of Mount Zion Church in Waverly, New York and travels extensively to many nations teaching and preaching in Bible schools and seminars.

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ATENCIÓN: Este NO es un libro físico, sino una versión electrónica del libro para lectura en un dispositivo electrónico como ipad, iphone, Android, Kindle,...

Descripción Este es un libro extremadamente útil para creyentes, ya que ofrece claves vitales y verdades esenciales que ayudarán...
Nema na zalihama

Book Description This is an extremely helpful book for believers, as it offers vital keys and essential truths that will help the believer grow in the...
63 stavka

Please NOTE : This is  NOT  the physical  BOOK.    This is an  ELECTRONIC  version of the book and must be viewed on an electronic device; i.e....