by Author

Looking for a specific author? Search here for Zion Christian Publisher's books, ebooks, teachers' manuals, CDs, DVDs, and MP3s listed by author.

Book Description This teacher manual is based Dr. Bailey’s commentary on the Book of Daniel which offers an insightful analysis of this precious...
3 item(ns)

NOTE: If you would like to order more than 20 copies of any of Dr. Caram's books, please contact him directly at
5 item(ns)

Book Description When Christ was asked questions He often referred people back to the beginning, to the origin of the plan of our Heavenly Father for...
3 item(ns)

Book Description When Christ was asked questions He often referred people back to the beginning, to the origin of the plan of our Heavenly Father for...
5 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book Hitting the Mark which is an exciting, easy to understand commentary on Paul’s letter to...
3 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book, Know Your Bible, which shows that a s believers, it is vital that we are well-grounded in...
2 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book, Know Your Bible, which shows that a s believers, it is vital that we are well-grounded in...
2 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book Romans which is for those who long to be more than a conqueror . There is contained within the...
3 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on Dr. Bailey's thought-provoking book Pillars of Faith, in which he opens up our...

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book, Soldiers for Christ, by Dr. Brian Bailey in which he presents a commentary on the epistle...
3 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book Studies in the Lives of David and Solomon which is an insightful and illuminating journey...
1 item(ns)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book, The Comforter, which is not simply another book on theology, but a very practical and useful...