Holmes, Norman

Rev. Norman Holmes is a musician, worship leader, and a missionary who has led worship seminars in many nations. He also directs several Bible schools, conducts pastor’s seminars, and has written six books that are being used around the world in many languages.

Rev. Holmes and his wife Linda currently reside in Manila, Philippines and direct Zion Ministries Philippines which trains and sends out missionaries, conducts seminars, and distributes Bible literature to over fifty nations around the world.

Book Description Anointed Music and Worship is a manual to develop a flow of worship in your life and ministry according to the pattern given to us by...
14 produkt(y)

Book Description This teacher manual is based on the book, Hope of the Christian, by Norman Holmes, in which he shows that the Bible tells us that every...
3 produkt(y)

Book Description In his book on the Epistle of Jude, Rev. Holmes presents us with a beautiful exposition on this letter of the brother of our Lord Jesus...
129 produkt(y)

Descripción En su libro de la Epístola de Judas, el Reverendo Holmes se nos presenta con una hermosa exposición acerca de esta carta del hermano de...
99 produkt(y)

Book Description The Bible tells us that every overcoming Christian will become confirmed to the image of Christ. But what does this mean? And how can we...
39 produkt(y)

Descripción Familias y tribus viviendo en una nueva tierra. ¿Cómo todo esto es relevante para nosotros? El Rev. Norman Holmes nos mostrará cómo el Libro...
40 produkt(y)

Descripción La Biblia nos dice que cada cristiano vencedor será conformado a la imagen de Cristo. Pero, ¿qué significa esto?, ¿y cómo podemos prepararnos...
64 produkt(y)

Book Description Soldiers in battle, nations at war, families and tribes living in a new land – how is this all relevant for us? Rev. Norman Holmes will...
39 produkt(y)

Descripción A través de muchos años de experiencia de predicar y enseñar el Evangelio en Asia y alrededor del mundo, el Rev....
77 produkt(y)

Book Description Through his many years of experience of preaching and teaching the gospel in Asia and around the world, Rev. Norman Holmes shares some...
98 produkt(y)

Descripción Música y adoración ungida es el manual para desarrollar el fluir de adoración en nuestra vida y ministrar de...
70 produkt(y)

Book Description Rev. Norman Holmes shows us how Christ gave prophetic Scriptures to explain church history. The reader will see the awesome parallels...
22 produkt(y)