Bailey, Dr. Brian J.

Dr. Brian J. Bailey was the president of Zion Fellowship International, Zion Ministerial Institute and Zion Christian University. In over 50 years of his ministry, he travelled to more than 100 countries. He authored more than 65 Christian books, teaching believers the ways of God, and establishing them on the pathway of holiness that leads to spiritual Mount Zion.


Book Description Does the Tabernacle of Moses hold any meaning for believers today? Yes! It is not merely a historical building, but rather holds much...
39 Artículos

Please NOTE : This is NOT the physical BOOK.   This is an ELECTRONIC version of the book and must be viewed on an electronic device; i.e....

Book Description The Three Houses of Esther is an inspiring study guide to discovering the intimate and eternal presence of the King of kings. Through...
147 Artículos

Please NOTE : This is  NOT  the physical  BOOK.    This is an  ELECTRONIC  version of the book and must be viewed on an electronic device; i.e....

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s book the Two Wisdoms is an excellent exposition of the Epistle of James that reveals the significant difference between...
34 Artículos

Please NOTE : This is NOT the physical BOOK.   This is an ELECTRONIC version of the book and must be viewed on an electronic device; i.e....

Descripción Las tres casas de Ester es una inspiradora guía de estudio para descubrir la íntima y eterna presencia del Rey de reyes....
57 Artículos

ATENCIÓN: Este NO es un libro físico, sino una versión electrónica del libro para lectura en un dispositivo electrónico...

ATENCIÓN: Este NO es un libro físico, sino una versión electrónica del libro para lectura en un dispositivo electrónico como ipad, iphone, Android, Kindle,...

Descripción El estudio del viaje de Israel de Egipto a la Tierra Prometida es en realidad un retrato de la progresión espiritual de un...
14 Artículos

ATENCIÓN: Este NO es un libro físico, sino una versión electrónica del libro para lectura en un dispositivo electrónico...

Por favor, note: este não é o livro físico. Esta é uma versão eletrônica do livro e deve ser vista em um...