Old Testament

Book Description The Book of Jeremiah is a revelation of the heart and feelings of a tender, loving God reaching out to a backslidden people. Dr. Brian...
19 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s commentary on the Book of Daniel offers an insightful analysis of this precious book, showing us what will...
1209 item(s)

ATTENTION: Ceci n'est PAS un livre physique, mais une version électronique du livre à lire sur un appareil électronique tel que ipad,...

Book Description Dr. Bailey shows how Christ became the ultimate sacrifice and supremely fulfilled all of the sacrifices of the Old Testament. Feasts and...
15 item(s)

Book Description When Christ was asked questions He would often refer people back to the beginning, to the origin of the plan of our Heavenly Father for...
30 item(s)

Book Description The Book of Isaiah is a book of dramatic prophecies expressing in a beautiful, literary language the very heart of God towards His...
2497 item(s)

Book Description As believers, it is vital that we are well-grounded in the truth of God’s Word in order to stand strong in the coming days. Having...
30 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s first volume on the Minor Prophets, focuses on the book of Hosea with the theme of the Restoration of the Backslider. In...
69 item(s)

Book Description In this second volume on the Minor Prophets, Dr. Bailey discusses the books of Joel to Zephaniah. Through studying this beautiful...
30 item(s)

Book Description Dr. Bailey’s third volume on the Minor Prophets is an excellent commentary on the last three prophetic prophets of the Old Testament:...
21 item(s)

Book Description Psalms – Book One is a verse by verse commentary on Psalms 1-50, containing timeless truths which grant direction and...
2326 item(s)

Book Description Psalms – Book Three is an easy to read devotional commentary of Psalms 101-150. It is the third book in a series of three books on...
2727 item(s)